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Whole Bible in a Year


Updated: May 20, 2024

We are excited for the journey together through the Whole Holy Bible In A Year. What you will find here is our why for this endeavor, the reading plan, a link to an audio version of these readings done by our friends at Lutheran Church of Hope, and a podcast from our pastors and podcast team. All of this is to equip you to engage with God’s Word so it can spur conversation, form our hearts, and guide our lives. 

The Bible is God’s Word to us, containing all things necessary for salvation. It’s also a beautiful library of material that the Spirit speaks through, containing all kinds of literature from different time periods. Don’t let that intimidate you! Instead, let us help you with podcasts and Sunday teachings as you read through the Bible. Sure, this will take time and attention, but it is well worth it. We believe your faith will grow this year, together with your church family. 

Below you will find weekly Bible reading lists. If reading is a challenge, listen to the audio versions, which also has it broken into daily readings. We will then podcast on a weekly basis to share some insights on the texts you are reading and will preach on Sundays about the reading from the previous week. We are on this journey with you! 

One final nudge, a “why” you may not have considered. Friends, we let so many things into our minds. Much of it we feel we can’t control, as it’s what’s on the radio, TV, coming from the next cubicle at work, or social media. But this practice of reading the Bible is a way to ensure that God’s love is in your mind and forming your heart and actions. And in choosing to read scripture we have to say no to some of the noise that would have filled that space and time. Bible reading is a way of connecting with God and disconnecting from the hurried and misleading agendas of our society. 

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